Thursday, June 14, 2007

Adam & Papa's Lighter Moments

Papa is a great man. I just love him because he likes to drive me around town in his car and he likes to carry me on his shoulders and sometimes on his back.

But Papa can be very stern and fierce too whenever he is angry. I don't like to make him angry.

But when he is in his fun mode, he sure knows how to make me feel very happy.

I love you, Papa!

The Many Faces of Adam - Part 3

At three, I am now beginning to have a slight fondness for milk.

Other favourite "grubs" include Muffins, Nestum for breakfast, Noodles a.k.a. Slurp, sometimes Nasi Lemak for breakfast (minus the Sambal, of course) and any kinds of Pasta.

Hmmm, pasta... I wonder do I have an Italian Blood in me???

The Many Faces of Adam - Part 2

I like to belch out songs during the day a.k.a. Karaoke (and sometimes in the middle of the night too).

I love to listen to Indo Pop Songs (thanks to Papa's influence) and funky up-tempo tunes (thanks to Mama, Radio Era & Akademi Fantasia).

Some of my favourite tunes include: (not exactly in that order)

1. Pencinta Wanita a.k.a. Aku Memang
2. My Heart
3. Kenangan Terindah
4. Pudar
5. Teman Tapi Mesra
6. Dealova
7. Siti Situ Sana Sini a.k.a. Bawa Ia

The Many Faces of Adam

I looked ever so disciplined in a Malay Attire. And ever so handsome too... hehehe.